Swimming Dragons was founded by former chinese national swimmer Sen Yang and Yang Gao. It is registered under Swim Canada and Swim Ontario. The Swimming Dragon offers a program of development and competitive swimming for youth of all ages and abilities. Currently, there are over 230 swimmers from the ages of 4 to 16, training under several coaches.

The Club trains in various Board of Education and High school pools throughout the city.

In its continuing efforts to provide the highest level of training and opportunities for young swimmers, the Swimming Dragon delivers a valuable community service in the form of a recreational and competitive swim club to the residents of the GTA. Ultimately, this provides these swimmers with the opportunity to develop into young athletes of whom all of Canada can be proud.

S wimming Dragon是由前中国国家游泳队队员杨森和高杨创办, 在 Swim Canada和Swim Ontario注册。Swimming Dragon为不同年龄段和能力的青少年提供开发和竞技的游泳活动。 目前,有超过230名从4岁到16岁学员在多名教练的指导下训练。俱乐部的训练基地遍布全市的多个教育局和高中泳池。

Swimming Dragon致力于社区服务,为大多区居民提供各种健身和竞技游泳项目, 努力为青少年提供最高水准的游泳训练,帮助他们最终成为加拿大为之骄傲的游泳运动员。

Youth Open Water Tour

Congratulations to
Hannah Fu (RHSD),
Sydney Shemilt (OAK), Jorja Shemilt (OAK), Charlie Kwinter (ESWIM), Ian Friesen (CW), William Risk (ROCS) and Quinn Matteis (CYPS) on being selected to the Swim Ontario Youth Open Water Tour which will be coming in Miami on May 5!

2025 spring session schedule 

©2025 Swimming Dragon.
All rights reserved.